The system worked!

We now have confirmed natives in all three planting sites (The dry prairie planted in 2016, the dry prairie planted in 2017, and the wetland planted in 2017), and we received our payments from NRCS.  Now our job is to make sure ha the weeds don't take over fr the next few years as the natives put energy into growing roots. We will brush cut as the weeds get tall. Looking forward to see how our sites grow and become established in the future, and to find more places to restore!

Dixie hunting in the 2017 planted prairie for mice (or deer poop to roll in). Rudbeckia hirta (Black eyed susan) are often included in seed mixes because they bloom so early.  They are a sign that our planting was successful, even though we don…

Dixie hunting in the 2017 planted prairie for mice (or deer poop to roll in). Rudbeckia hirta (Black eyed susan) are often included in seed mixes because they bloom so early.  They are a sign that our planting was successful, even though we don't see much else.  Look closely - you'll see many in this photo. The little splashes of color are a welcome sign that our efforts were successful.